This video for Sandia National Laboratories Robotic Vehicle Range was a great project because the client allowed me to take a creative and quirky approach to the story.
For more than 20 years, through my company StarTree Inc., I’ve developed compelling story-driven video scripts on broad range of scientific and technical subjects including nanotechnology, renewable energy, robotics, high performance computing and nuclear physics and customer testimonial videos. Source material for these projects has been white papers, PowerPoint presentations, interviews with subject matter experts, my own research, and even scientists’ handwritten notes. Audiences varied from young children at “Bring Your Child to Work” events to scientists and subject matter experts. Because many of the videos I scripted for Sandia National Laboratories were for Official Use Only I can only include videos Sandia has on their YouTube channel.
The following video about a joint venture between Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory was particularly challenging because there were multiple stakeholders and storylines to integrate into one cohesive video.
This short video highlights Sandia National Laboratories High Performance Computing capabilities. After interviewing various subject matter experts, I decided to focus on Sandia’s role in the response to the Ebola crisis rather than more weapons-focused activities. I worked with the producer to find appropriate background footage to tell the story.